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Circuses, zoos, marine parks, and other types
of entertainment that involve animals might look exciting, but they're no fur for the animals. Behind the glitter and glitz
lies a world of cruelty and suffering which causes both mental and physical pain.
CIRCUSES Circuses are some of
the cruelest shows on Earth. Some travel 48 weeks a year, covering thousands of miles in extreme weather conditions.
Elephants are chained, tigers are kept in cages with barely enough space to turn around, and here they are forced to eat,
sleep, and defecate. In their acts, tigers are forced through flaming hoops and bears ride bicycles, but these are very unnatural
acts, and a great deal of force must be used get them to perform these stunts. Whips, muzzles, tight collars, electric prods,
and other devices are used to force them into submission, and hooks are embedded into their sensitive skin, around the feet,
behind the ears, under the chin, inside the mouth, and on the face. Animals react with behavior indicating deep psychological
distress, including swaying, pacing, and head bobbing.
Not only are circuses a danger to the animals, but they are
a danger to the public as well. Since 1985, 150 people have been killed by elephants that broke loose. Just as diseases such
as AIDS, SARS, and monkeypox were spread by human contact with animals, circus elephants have been found with a human strain
of tuberculosis. Circuses have been banned in 20 locations in the U.S., as well as in India, Ireland, Israel, Finland, Costa
Rica, Singapore, Sweden, and many locations in Canada. Please don't visit circuses that contain animals, and instead attend
circuses that contain only willing participants!
MARINE PARKS Sea World may look like fun, but Shamu and all the
other animals are suffering so that shows can be put on...
Circuses: link on left of page |
Last Chance for Animals: Marine Parks |
Images: |
Only support animal free forms of entertainment.